CPPGPGPU Library - Reference (Doxygen)

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00002 #include "GLUTCore.h"
00003 #include <stdio.h>
00004 #if defined( _WIN32 )
00005 #include <time.h>
00006 #else
00007 #include <sys/time.h>
00008 #endif
00010 #ifdef GLEXT
00011 #include "GLEXTHandler.h"
00012 #endif
00014 #include <stdlib.h>
00016 float GLUTCore::fGLUTCamDistance;
00017 GLUTCore GLUT;
00019 //Default usage parameters for the mouse motion functs.
00020 int oldX, oldY, buttonPressed = 0, rbuttonPressed = 0;
00022 void DefaultMousePress( int b, int state, int x, int y )
00023 {
00024     GLUT.miLastMouseX = x; GLUT.miLastMouseY = y;
00025     if( b == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
00026         buttonPressed = !buttonPressed;
00027     if( b == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
00028         rbuttonPressed = !rbuttonPressed;
00029 }
00031 void DefaultMouseDrag( int x, int y )
00032 {
00033     //Find the amount moved from last frame to this frame.
00034     float dx = x - GLUT.miLastMouseX;
00035     float dy = y - GLUT.miLastMouseY;
00036     GLUT.miLastMouseX = x;
00037     GLUT.miLastMouseY = y;
00038     if( buttonPressed )
00039     {
00040         //Update the absolute difference of mouse location since start.
00041         GLUT.miSetMouseX += (int)dx;
00042         GLUT.miSetMouseY += (int)dy;
00043     }
00044     if( rbuttonPressed )
00045     {
00046         GLUTCore::fGLUTCamDistance += dy/10.0;
00047         DefaultReshape( GLUT.miWidth, GLUT.miHeight );
00048     }
00049     glLoadIdentity();
00050     glTranslatef( 0.0f, 0.0f, -GLUTCore::fGLUTCamDistance );
00051     glRotatef( GLUT.miSetMouseY*0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
00052     glRotatef( GLUT.miSetMouseX*0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
00053 }
00055 void DefaultReshape( int Width, int Height )
00056 {
00057     //set up a projection, rotation and general camera stuff with respect to mouse input
00058     GLUT.miWidth = Width;
00059     GLUT.miHeight = Height;
00060     glViewport( 0, 0, (GLint)Width, (GLint)Height );
00061     glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
00062     glLoadIdentity();
00063     gluPerspective( 45.0f, (float)Width/(float)Height, 0.1f, 100.0f );
00064     glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
00065     glLoadIdentity();
00066     glTranslatef( 0.0f, 0.0f, -GLUTCore::fGLUTCamDistance );
00067     glRotatef( GLUT.miSetMouseY*0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
00068     glRotatef( GLUT.miSetMouseX*0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
00069 }
00071 void DefaultDraw()
00072 {
00073     glClearColor(.1,.1,.2,0.0);
00075     glBegin( GL_QUADS );
00076     glVertex3f( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f );
00077     glVertex3f( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f );
00078     glVertex3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
00079     glVertex3f( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
00080     glEnd();
00082     //Swap the buffers and tell GLUT to call the redraw function again.
00083     glutSwapBuffers();
00084     glutPostRedisplay();
00085 }
00087 GLUTCore::GLUTCore()
00088 {
00089     mDF = DefaultDraw;
00090     mRS = DefaultReshape;
00091     mMP = DefaultMousePress;
00092     mMD = DefaultMouseDrag;
00093     miSetMouseX = 0;
00094     miSetMouseY = 0;
00095 }
00097 float GLUTCore::TackFPS()
00098 {
00099 #ifdef WIN32
00100     //On Win32, there's some bugs with the GLUT causing it not to exit,
00101     //this checks and exits.  After benchmarking, this proved to add minimal
00102     //overhead.
00103     if( !wglGetCurrentDC() ) exit ( 0 );
00104 #endif
00105     unsigned iCurSecond, iCurMillisecond;
00106     iNumFrames++;
00107     #if defined( WIN32 )
00108         SYSTEMTIME systemTime;
00109         GetSystemTime( &systemTime );
00110         iCurSecond = systemTime.wSecond;
00111         iCurMillisecond = systemTime.wMilliseconds*1000;
00112     #else
00113         struct timeval T;
00114         gettimeofday( &T, 0 );
00115         iCurSecond = T.tv_sec;
00116         iCurMillisecond = T.tv_usec;
00117     #endif
00118     if( iCurSecond != iLastSecond )
00119     {
00120         iLastSecond = iCurSecond;
00121         printf( "FPS: %d\n", iNumFrames );
00122         iNumFrames = 0;
00123     }
00124     iDeltaMS = (iCurSecond - iTmrLastSecond)*1000000 + (iCurMillisecond - iTmrLastMillisecond );
00125     iTmrLastSecond = iCurSecond;
00126     iTmrLastMillisecond = iCurMillisecond;
00127     return ((float)iDeltaMS)/1000000.0f;
00128 }
00130 void WMClose()
00131 {
00132     exit( 0 );
00133 }
00135 void GLUTCore::Init( int argc, char**argv, int iWidth, int iHeight, char * sName )
00136 {
00137     fGLUTCamDistance = 5.0;
00138     iNumFrames = 0;
00139     iLastSecond = 0;
00140     miWidth = iWidth;
00141     miHeight = iHeight;
00142     /* ask for a window at 0,0 with dimensions winWidth, winHeight */
00143     /* need color, depth (for 3D drawing) and double buffer (smooth display) */
00144     glutInit( &argc, argv );
00145     glutInitWindowPosition( 0, 0 );
00146     glutInitWindowSize( iWidth, iHeight );
00147     glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE );
00148     glutCreateWindow(sName);
00150     /* set callback functions to be called by GLUT for drawing, window
00151     resize, keypress, mouse button press, and mouse movement */
00152     glutDisplayFunc(mDF);
00153     glutReshapeFunc(mRS);
00154     glutMouseFunc(  mMP);
00155     glutMotionFunc( mMD);
00156     glutPassiveMotionFunc( mMD );
00158 #ifdef GLEXT
00159     SetupAllExtensions();
00160 #endif
00162 }
00164 void GLUTCore::DrawAndDoMainLoop()
00165 {
00166     //Pre-emptively call the resize and draw functions to get the cycle going
00167     mRS( miWidth, miHeight );
00168     mDF();
00169     glutMainLoop();
00170 }
00172 //Copyright 2007 Charles Lohr, Dr. Marc Olano under the MIT/X11 License

© 2005-2007 Charles Lohr, Joshua Allen, David Chapman, Andrew Lohr. All material including documentation under the MIT/X11 license.