CPPGPGPU Library - Reference (Doxygen)

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00001 #include "OBJModel.h"
00002 #include <stdio.h>
00003 #include <vector>
00004 #define STRUBUFFERSIZE 512
00006 OBJModel::OBJModel()
00007 {
00008     iList = 0;
00009     iIndices = 0;
00010     fVertices = 0;
00011     iIndexCount = 0;
00012     iVertexCount = 0;
00013 }
00015 OBJModel::~OBJModel()
00016 {
00017     Unload();
00018 }
00020 void OBJModel::Unload()
00021 {
00022     if( iIndices ) delete iIndices;
00023     if( fVertices ) delete fVertices;
00024     if( iList ) glDeleteLists( iList, 1 );
00026     iList = 0;
00027     iIndices = 0;
00028     fVertices = 0;
00029     iIndexCount = 0;
00030     iVertexCount = 0;
00031 }
00033 bool OBJModel::LoadOBJ( const char * sFileToLoad )
00034 {
00035     Unload();
00036     char lbuffer[STRUBUFFERSIZE];
00037     std::vector< std::vector<float> > V;
00038     std::vector< std::vector<float> > VT;
00039     std::vector< std::vector<float> > VN;
00040     std::vector< float > fLine;
00041     std::vector< int > iFaceSet;
00042     fLine.resize( 3 );
00044     int iFaces[9];
00046     FILE * f = fopen( sFileToLoad, "r" );
00047     if( !f )
00048     {
00049         printf( "Could not open file \"%s\".", sFileToLoad );
00050         return false;
00051     }
00053     iList = glGenLists( 1 );
00054     glNewList( iList, GL_COMPILE );
00055     glPushMatrix();
00056     glRotatef( 90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
00057     glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
00059     while( fgets( lbuffer, STRUBUFFERSIZE-1, f ) )
00060     {
00061         switch( lbuffer[0] )
00062         {
00063         case 'v':
00064             switch( lbuffer[1] )
00065             {
00066             case 't':
00067                 if( sscanf( &lbuffer[3], "%f %f %f", &fLine[0], &fLine[1], &fLine[2] ) )
00068                     VT.push_back( fLine );
00069                 break;
00070             case 'n':
00071                 if( sscanf( &lbuffer[3], "%f %f %f", &fLine[0], &fLine[1], &fLine[2] ) )
00072                     VN.push_back( fLine );
00073                 break;
00074             case ' ':
00075                 if( sscanf( &lbuffer[2], "%f %f %f", &fLine[0], &fLine[1], &fLine[2] ) )
00076                     V.push_back( fLine );
00077                 break;
00078             }
00079             break;
00080         case 'f':
00081             if( sscanf( &lbuffer[2], "%d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d",
00082                 &iFaces[0], &iFaces[1], &iFaces[2],
00083                 &iFaces[3], &iFaces[4], &iFaces[5],
00084                 &iFaces[6], &iFaces[7], &iFaces[8] ) == 9 )
00085             {
00086                 for( int i = 0; i < 9; ++i )
00087                     iFaces[i]--;
00088                 glNormal3f( VN[iFaces[8]][0], VN[iFaces[8]][1], VN[iFaces[8]][2] );
00089                 glTexCoord3f( VT[iFaces[7]][0], VT[iFaces[7]][1], VT[iFaces[7]][2] );
00090                 glVertex3f( V[iFaces[6]][0], V[iFaces[6]][1], V[iFaces[6]][2] );
00091                 glNormal3f( VN[iFaces[5]][0], VN[iFaces[5]][1], VN[iFaces[5]][2] );
00092                 glTexCoord3f( VT[iFaces[4]][0], VT[iFaces[4]][1], VT[iFaces[4]][2] );
00093                 glVertex3f( V[iFaces[3]][0], V[iFaces[3]][1], V[iFaces[3]][2] );
00094                 glNormal3f( VN[iFaces[2]][0], VN[iFaces[2]][1], VN[iFaces[2]][2] );
00095                 glTexCoord3f( VT[iFaces[1]][0], VT[iFaces[1]][1], VT[iFaces[1]][2] );
00096                 glVertex3f( V[iFaces[0]][0], V[iFaces[0]][1], V[iFaces[0]][2] );
00098                 iFaceSet.push_back( iFaces[0] );
00099                 iFaceSet.push_back( iFaces[3] );
00100                 iFaceSet.push_back( iFaces[6] );
00101             } else if( sscanf( &lbuffer[2], "%d %d %d",
00102                 &iFaces[0],
00103                 &iFaces[3],
00104                 &iFaces[6] ) == 3 )
00105             {
00106                 for( int i = 0; i < 9; ++i )
00107                     iFaces[i]--;
00108                 glVertex3f( V[iFaces[6]][0], V[iFaces[6]][1], V[iFaces[6]][2] );
00109                 glVertex3f( V[iFaces[3]][0], V[iFaces[3]][1], V[iFaces[3]][2] );
00110                 glVertex3f( V[iFaces[0]][0], V[iFaces[0]][1], V[iFaces[0]][2] );
00112                 iFaceSet.push_back( iFaces[0] );
00113                 iFaceSet.push_back( iFaces[3] );
00114                 iFaceSet.push_back( iFaces[6] );
00115             }
00118         default:
00119             break;
00120         }
00121     }
00122     glEnd();
00123     glPopMatrix();
00124     glEndList();
00125     fclose( f );
00127     iIndexCount = (int)iFaceSet.size();
00128     iIndices = new int[iIndexCount];
00129     for( int i = 0; i < iIndexCount; ++i )
00130         iIndices[i] = iFaceSet[i];
00132     iVertexCount = (int)V.size() * 3;
00133     fVertices = new float[iVertexCount];
00134     for( unsigned i = 0; i < V.size(); ++i )
00135         for( unsigned j = 0; j < V[i].size(); ++j )
00136             fVertices[i*3+j] = V[i][j];
00139     return true;
00140 }
00142 //Copyright 2007 Charles Lohr under the MIT/X11 license.

© 2005-2007 Charles Lohr, Joshua Allen, David Chapman, Andrew Lohr. All material including documentation under the MIT/X11 license.