CPPGPGPU Library - Reference (Doxygen)

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TransformNode Member List

This is the complete list of members for TransformNode, including all inherited members.

AttachChild(Node n)NodeObject
CLASS_RTTI(TransformNode, NodeObject)TransformNode
DestroySelfOnUpdate()NodeObject [inline]
DetachChild(Node n)NodeObject
Disestablish()NodeObject [virtual]
GetCount()NodeObject [inline]
GetName()NodeObject [inline]
GetPosition(float &fx, float &fy, float &fz)TransformNode [inline]
GetRotation(float &fx, float &fy, float &fz)TransformNode [inline]
GetScale(float &fx, float &fy, float &fz)TransformNode [inline]
GetType()NodeObject [inline, virtual]
Init()NodeObject [virtual]
IsTypeOf(const string &sType)NodeObject [inline, virtual]
m_fXTransformNode [private]
m_fYTransformNode [private]
m_fZTransformNode [private]
m_rXTransformNode [private]
m_rYTransformNode [private]
m_rZTransformNode [private]
m_sXTransformNode [private]
m_sYTransformNode [private]
m_sZTransformNode [private]
Message(int iMessageID, const string &sMessageName, const string &sMessagePayload)NodeObject [virtual]
NodeObject(const string &sName)NodeObject
Reload()NodeObject [inline, virtual]
Render()TransformNode [virtual]
SetName(const string &sName)NodeObject
SetPosition(float fx, float fy, float fz)TransformNode [inline]
SetRotation(float fx, float fy, float fz)TransformNode [inline]
SetScale(float fx, float fy, float fz)TransformNode [inline]
TransformNode(const string &sName)TransformNode [inline]
Update(const float fDtime)NodeObject [virtual]
~NodeObject()NodeObject [virtual]

© 2005-2007 Charles Lohr, Joshua Allen, David Chapman, Andrew Lohr. All material including documentation under the MIT/X11 license.